Welcome to our class blog!

Welcome to our Fellowship of Books! It's my hope that this blog will be a place where we can ask questions, make announcements and share new discoveries. Please visit frequently, as I will be posting information on upcoming assignments and exams. If there is something that you would like to share with everyone else, let me know and I will post it here. Also, if you have any questions about anything we are doing in class (or about any other subject!), leave a comment or send me an email and I will do my best to address it both here and in class.
Remember, this is your class blog... so enjoy!

The Class

Welcome to 2010-2011 Senior AP English!

This will be a challenging class, but I know everyone will be able to do well if they are willing to make the effort.  And you might even have a little fun, too!  We have a lot of material to cover this year, but we will also be flexible with our schedule.  So as things come up, we will adjust our readings and assignments.

Here are some of the topics that we will be learning during the first semester:

  • A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
  • Canterbury Tales by Chaucer
  • 1984 by George Orwell
  • Short stories and poetry
  • Socratic seminars
  • AP Test preparation
  • Writing workshops
In addition to our in-class readings, students will also be required to read at least one (approved) outside novel during each six-week grading period.  I will be giving more information on this project in the first weeks of class.

(I will be updating this information as we go along, so check back soon!)